but what the hell, i had fun
you know, the year 2010 has been quite a surprising year for me.
1. i got to learn the bass (weird)
2. i get to play in a kick-ass band (nuff said)
3. i got to do stuff i didn't do before (no nudity)
4. i went out alot
5. i experienced love (don't ask)
6. i swore alot
7. i read some books (DO, DP)
8. i got bored more times than i ever did before (okay, fine, not surprising)
9. i breezed through exams (and by breezed through i mean barely passing)
so i hope there'll be more stuff in store for me in 2011. i have a feeling. but then again i always have this feeling every year and they turn out to be wrong. but, fingers crossed.
not the new year i expected it to be
written by David at Friday, December 31, 2010 0 voices
he used to be a symbol. now they made him an annoying prick
okay, i really don't know what to post. so i'll take a few years' break.
see you then, whenever
written by David at Wednesday, December 29, 2010 0 voices
i couldn't come up with a title
i noticed that i swear a lot nowadays. not aloud, just in my head.
does that count?
ohhh yeah i got a haircut today. that bastard cut off my whole fringe!
okay, enough of me bantering around about my hair.
i have no idea why but i am suddenly interested in anime.
k-on, to be precise.
well, there's a band. formed in a high school club.
i can relate to that.
written by David at Tuesday, December 28, 2010 0 voices
2011 is around the corner...there it is! Drifting cinematically!
now, see, i have no idea what subjects i'm gonna take. actually, i do, but i'm stck on just one:
add maths and ICT
subjects i'm taking:
Moral (wtf it's still here???)
but i need one more.
which brings us back to this:
add maths or ICT?
i can't do add maths, heck, i can't barely do maths. but, all my friends are taking that damned subject so i'll have to end my day in solitary confinement.
kay, maybe not.
written by David at Monday, December 27, 2010 0 voices
i am not sure which class i wanna join
-which is also my status
why? because i don't think i can handle all the pressure and i don't think i can even catch up.
so now i'm stuck with a dilemma:
friends or future?
yeah, some of you might think "you're friends ARE your future!"
but if i go to the wrong class, they might not be.
i'm still hungry by the way
written by David at Sunday, December 26, 2010 0 voices
i am still hungry
i am still hungry.
i ah-never mind
written by David at Saturday, December 25, 2010 0 voices
okay, so i'm not screwed
i wanna play crisis core so badly
i am hungry now. i wanna eat something. hold on i'll go raid my fridge.
okay, i'm back. nothing in my fridge. damn. have to wait till morning then.
merry christmas, by the way
written by David at Friday, December 24, 2010 0 voices
either i'm screwed or i'm screwed
yeah, bad stuff happened just now.
anyway, i just watched tron. and gulliver's travels.
they were awesome. go watch them now.
yeah, so i'm screwed.
or i'm screwed
written by David at Thursday, December 23, 2010 0 voices
nice haircut...who did it for you? a monkey?
i have insomnia.
no siree we are not going back there again.
it's not insomnia. my body's adapting to the time i sleep, wake up, etc.
so most of the time i only eat 2 meals a day.
which is barking insane.
even when i go to bed early and try to sleep, i just can't manage it.
ah, well...anyway
i have been meaning to write a song.
but i can't write a song.
it's impossible.
well, maybe not impossible.
i'm just not capable of doing it.
written by David at Monday, December 20, 2010 0 voices
help me from this addiction
my addiction to update my blog has started. now i can't stop.
when i open up my web browser i automatically type "facebook.com", then after that i open a new tab and type out "blogger.com". then i log in then i type out stuff.
now here i am.
i guess it's not addiction, just an impulse to post.
still, i just can't stop.
anyhoo, my dog just into my mom's car just now. so freaking cute. but then she didn't wanna come down. so that's a problem.
so yeah, results will be coming out 3 days from now. so i'm half-nervous, half-not caring.
just wanna know where i stand.
i have been really lazy these holidays and i really need to get a hold of myself.
ah, now i'm done pretending to be a fallen hero.
so there, i'm done posting about stuff
written by David at Monday, December 20, 2010 0 voices
hello, the number you have dialled has been-AAAARGGHHHHH-THIS IS A ROBBERY!! GIVE ME YOUR PREPAID CREDIT OR I WILL *CLICK*
i am addicted.
i am not addicted.
i am partially addicted.
i am almost-full-but-not-quite addicted.
i am not addicted.
i am bored.
i have insomnia.
i like pink.
that's not pink, moron.
yes it is.
no it's not.
oh yeah? then what colour is it?
purple-y red thing.
oh, that's REAL smart.
these are just the thoughts running in my head
written by David at Sunday, December 19, 2010 0 voices
screw yew

written by David at Saturday, December 18, 2010 0 voices
written by David at Friday, December 17, 2010 0 voices
wtf i just shot myself in the foot
no need to panic. or pretend to care. i just couldn't come up with a freaking title.
anywayyy...ray gave me this cool book for my birthday and it is awesome. Dark Origins. be warned, though, there's "fuck", "bitch", "bastard", "shit" in every page. awesome, huh?
anyway i want the second book so badly i'm going to look for it soon. like, 3-months-later-when-everything-new-is-already-cheaper-soon.
so i went out the other day with my buds partly to get my psp cracked. but the dammed thing won't distort it's screen. bloody hell.
oh and i watched narnia the...the- you know what? i forgot the title.
i borrowed my friends psp and now i'm enjoying dante's inferno and resistance: retribution.
now why would he freaking lend his psp to me? well, cuz he just bought a bloody xbox. yeah. i'm jealous. i plan to sack his house tonight.....er tomorrow night.
i was rummaging through my stuff the other day when i stumbled upon (not really it just dropped on my foot) a book i used to write. i forgotten about it i was laughing when i read it. now i'm spurred on to finish my younger-self's book. soon.
THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER!!! now i remembered the freaking title. woopdie-doo.
i'm waiting for the bloody battery to recharge. great, i'm starting to talk like him
written by David at Wednesday, December 15, 2010 0 voices
nothing but a bunch of A minors and B flats
AHHHHHHH nothing much to post here.
i just get so deep nowadays and when i'm bored i get bored. it's a good thing i have my psp to keep me company. but
i've been thinking...about lots of stuf really.
like, you know that ipod or smartphone you're dreaming about? yeah, i mean, once you get it, you'll be happy.
at least for a good 2 years.
then newer stuff comes out. and the cycle repeats.
but what, my friends, can you never get bored of? that you can never get tired with it? that keeps you company and entertains you even when you're mood is deeper than hell itself?
that's right. Friends.
you can't buy friends. you can't sell friends. you get friends through interaction. or something.
they keep you company, they always make you laugh. and they're always there when you need them. sure, a brand-new smartphone has like, 4GB of memory and has tons of apps available, but they are just built to do just communicate. (and some other stuff i'm not sure about)
point is, don't take your friends for granted. they are always there for you and they will never go out of date
written by David at Tuesday, December 07, 2010 0 voices
nothing but a bunch of A minors and B flats
AHHHHHHH nothing much to post here.
i just get so deep nowadays and when i'm bored i get bored. it's a good thing i have my psp to keep me company. but
i've been thinking...about lots of stuf really.
like, you know that ipod or smartphone you're dreaming about? yeah, i mean, once you get it, you'll be happy.
at least for a good 2 years.
then newer stuff comes out. and the cycle repeats.
but what, my friends, can you never get bored of? that you can never get tired with it? that keeps you company and entertains you even when you're mood is deeper than hell itself?
that's right. Friends.
you can't buy friends. you can't sell friends. you get friends through interaction. or something.
they keep you company, they always make you laugh. and they're always there when you need them. sure, a brand-new smartphone has like, 4GB of memory and has tons of apps available, but they are just built to do just communicate. (and some other stuff i'm not sure about)
point is, don't take your friends for granted. they are always there for you and they will never go out of date
written by David at Tuesday, December 07, 2010 0 voices
plastic forks and paper cups
totally random title, just letting you know..
and oh my god, i am so freaking excited about some stuff.
another thing, i always wonder why some people add an 's' to words that dont need an 's'
for example : crap becomes craps, stuff become stuffs and what not.
so anyway, i'm making this a really short post so rejoice! you dont have to strain your eyes while trying to read my long posts anymore!
written by David at Saturday, December 04, 2010 0 voices
discretion is the better part of valor
whatever THAT means...
so yeah, here i am, writing this.
i am really bored out of my skull during the holidays. honestly, i don't mind going to school again. at least i can still see my friends.
so anyway, i think my brain is melting. cause i didn't do anything educational during the holidays.
i'll worry bout that later.
now i'm seriously desperate to find victoria because i can't lose my techniques and what not. my fingering has gone down.
okay, is it just me, or did that sentence sound really wrong?
just to clarify things, and avoid some lawsuits while i'm at it, victoria is a music centre and i need to go there since i quit tarrega. and by fingering i mean plucking the strings. not the other fingering, which, i will not mention because if i did, this site will be banned.
oh yeah, now i'm addicted to Dead Living by Sugarcult. Awesome song.
written by David at Friday, December 03, 2010 0 voices